Samurai Baby

Wind kanji
'Tis the set of sails, and not the gales, which tells us the way to go.
  - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Samurai Baby Wind concept  
Other Styles

Wind swirls all around, taking as many paths as there are ways to go. It is important not to be sidetracked or lulled by the whispers of the wind or the rustling of the leaves. It is good to recognize the patterns of the wind, but not to be swept away.

The samurai baby is aware of the weaknesses of variations of the true Way of the Baby. Some styles teach the ability to cry louder or longer, others suggest quicker and quieter utterances, and still others tout the range of expressions as key. There are styles that stress the importance of the direction of the eyes, the movement of the limbs or the position of the body. There are even those that claim to impart the secret meaning of growth. The samurai baby focuses on timing and using the right technique and strategy for the situation. Harboring predispositions for a certain theme thought to provide an advantage limits the understanding of growth.

Screaming Styles

The following text on an over reliance on screaming is from Way of the Baby:

"You should not make shrieking and screaming loudly your goal. Greater volume is not always better. There is no need to get a bucket of water to put out a candle when a puff of air will do. If you seek to scream often at the top of your lungs, you become reliant on the discomfort caused rather than the proficiency of your techniques. Sudden or earsplitting sounds can also confuse or hurry the spirit of the parent. Causing flight or the putting of fingers into the ears is not especially useful to the baby. The most intense screams should be reserved for times when there is urgency or when something is really needed, lest they lose their potency to snap the parent to action. Do not think of shrieking but rather of commanding the parent. A strong sound is not the same as a strong dedication to growth. It is not the bow that is bent the most that consistently finds the target, but the one that is bent according to direction of the wind and the distance of the target. Match the force of your cries and the intensity of your gaze to principles of the Way. It is better to rely on wisdom than power alone. "


Principles of Growth
Techniques and Moves
Guiding Strategies
Other Styles
The Void

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